
How To Know When A Guy Is Being A Basic Man Bitch

"A guy who has particular bitch like antics which include; falling out with friends, going off in a huff and moaning about certain individuals in full detail. Just the general bitchy  attitude but one that has woven into a guys character." Yes siree, the man bitch is well and truly alive in the 21st century and here are the characteristics you need to watch out for...

1. He kisses his arms at the gym and posses in the mirror

2. He calls himself a LAD/BRO

3. He Instagrams his whole #life…


4. He shows-off on social media...with his guns out

5. He uses the word 'douche' and isn't American

6. His arse is always hanging out

What this guy doesn't know is that prison boys used to wear their pants low with boxers hanging out to declare to the rest of the prison they were ripe for lovin', he probably saw some clueless rapper do it and doesn't know its connotations.


7. He wears baseball hats as they were showcased in the shop they were bought in...and leaves the stickers on.

8. He SPOILERS everyones favourite TV shows on social media without putting SPOILER ALERT before it, and then tells you it's your fault for not watching it when it was broadcast.

9. He can't pass a mirror without looking at it.


10. He selfies....way too f@cking much

11. He loves fake boobs…and his idea of the perfect woman is the real life Barbie #nosubstance

12. He gossips.


13. He tells you all of the secrets he's had from past relationships and private information about ex girlfriends.

14. He thinks he's Gods gift to women God....

15. He wouldn't touch a pint if his life depended on it...

Instead drinking any combination of vodka, gin, soda water, lime, sparking water, water due to the "low calorie count"..

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Ian Smith
Article written by
Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.

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