
21 Irish Names That Are Never Spelt Or Pronounced Correctly

21 Irish Names That Are Never Spelt Or Pronounced Correctly

Irish names are mispronounced more often than Donald Trump tweets. We're tired of having our names misspelled, mispronounced and butchered on a daily basis. It's exhausting trying to go through the vowel sounds and clarify our names - So much so, we have to use pseudonyms just to order a Starbucks. Here are 21 names that are never spelled or pronounced correctly that you need to know and remember:

1. Shona

If it's not spelled Shuna it's Shauna. It's SHONA and it's pronounced SHOW-NAH.

2. Caoimhe

You never know what spelling you'll get with Caoimhe. It's pronounced QUEE-VAA.

3. Garret

It's either Gareth, Garreth or Gareth that poor Garret gets stuck with. All are different. It's GAR-RET, not Jer-eth.


4. Cathal

It's not Cal or Cotal it's Ka-hul.

5. Tadhg

Best of luck with this one, Tadhg is pronounced TY-GUH.

6. Niamh


Niamh usually gets spelled Neeb or Neve.

7. Daithí

In fairness, we struggle with this one too.

8. Maobh

Usually spelled Mave, not to be confused with a maze. Translates to Maeve.

9. Oisín


Pronounced Ush-Ian, this name is truly butchered by the world.

10. Saoirse

We'll let Saoirse Ronan take over from here:

11. Ailis


Pronounced Ay-Lish, Ellis or Alish is usually how people try and spell it and it's not on any more lads.

12. Diarmuid

Is pronounced Deer-muid. You could say Dermot but that's offensive.

13. Pearse

It's Pearse, not Pierce.

14. Siobhán


Not SIOBAN, Shi-von!

15. Bríd

It's not Breege, it's BRE-D.

16. Afric

No, it's not Africa, it's AF-RICK.

17. Pauric


Is pronounced PAW-RICK. Other options for spelling Pauric include Padraig but get one right. Please.

18. Gearoid

Nope, it's not spelled like Garoge but you can pronounce it GAR-ROID.

19. Turlough

TUR-LOCK, simple really.

20. Lorcan


It's a straightforward name but a difficult one for the average joe to get their head around. It's pronounced Loor-ken.

21. Aoibheann

Eve-een is how you say it but for the love of god don't spell it that way.


Also Read: 19 Irish Names That Only Old Men Have Now

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