
This 'Medical Advice' Given To Pregnant Women Shows How Backward Ireland Can Be

This 'Medical Advice' Given To Pregnant Women Shows How Backward Ireland Can Be


Ireland must be a fairly scary place to be pregnant.

While there's no doubting the ability and dedication of most frontline medical staff here, the reality is that we're in a country where the Eighth Amendment and the toxic legacy of the Catholic Church reign supreme. Meaning that, in the eyes of official Ireland, the least important person in a pregnancy is the mother herself.

Which is pretty fucked.

And so, you've got pamphlets like the one below being handed out to patients by ACTUAL doctors – and while this example is hardly the worst example of maternal treatment that you'll ever see, it's still bizarre to see the shit women have to put up with in 2016.

'Be ladylike'


Here's the leaflet in full


And yes. This really was handed to a pregnant woman by an actual medical doctor. In 2016.

For real.

CollegeTimes Staff
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