
Penneys Updated Disney Collection Is Making Us Nostalgic AF

Penneys Updated Disney Collection Is Making Us Nostalgic AF

Everyone knows that Penneys is perf for all your everyday essentials but it's there Disney range that has left many of us absolutely shook.

Not only did the chip mug gate of 2017 nearly break the internet, and peoples bank balances, but now Penneys is releasing a new chip mug and we're expecting it will sell out in minutes. The chain broke the news over on Instagram over an hour ago and its already gotten over 2,000 comments from excited fans:

Not only is the Beauty and the Beast range getting an upgrade, 90s classic Aladdin is finally getting the merchandise we've all been waiting for and a new Eeyore mug.

101 Dalmatians and The Little Mermaid are just one of many Disney movies that Penneys have devoted merchandise to but it's the understated classic The Aristocats that will take our money with this cute money box and sippy cup:


Some of the items listed are available in Penneys now, with the exception of the Aladdin range and chip mug, and you can expect lots of new exciting additions over the coming weeks. Keep an eye out on the Penneys website for any new bits and bobs and found out when they're expected to drop. *hands cashier there life savings*

Also Read: Penneys Have A Load Of Vacancies Perfect For Graduates

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