
Thing's Guys Do That Women Don't Know About

Warning: Toilet humour, please turn back if you do not like to laugh....

We do urinate in a whirlwind motion and flushing the toilet early in order to race it to the end...


We sometimes fantasise about your female friends....yerp

We have all, at least once in our lives, done the helicopter with our penises


We delete our search history's and cache...

Sometimes we like to go for a sit down wee...

We like to see how high we can pee in a communal urinal...


We remember things based on familiarity

...if your mate has a new boyfriend and you tell us his name, we have literally have forgotten it 5 seconds later.

We sometimes pretend to be asleep, because you're talking about what a bitch Karen is or something...


Boobs are our weakness....

Having our hands down our pants is not socially acceptable...but we've all done it..and enjoy it.

Babestation..used to be our favourite...but we never actually called the hotline.


We have found it funny to leave our socks on during sex...


We will never read's an ego thing.

We will never ask for directions because we were rocking the independent vibe way before Beyonce and her cronies came along...


We panic...

When we're out and someone has pissed on the toilet seat, for fear that we will be blamed for it by the dude after us...the reality is it was probably a guy who, a half hour previously did it to create the domino effect of panic...

We spend an hour in the jacks, not for space or me time, just because it's that enjoyable...


We fart around 300% more than you are actually aware of..and no matter what you say...they are hilarious.

We can multi task...we just don't do it so you can have your little joke time.

We love taking advantage of man flu when it comes along...

We never admit we're wrong, because...

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Paddy Murphy

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