
Things We'll Actually Miss About College During The Summer

Don't hate me for saying it but College can definately be missed over the Summer - hear me out! There's a lot of craic to be had between the lectures and the exams and the shit food... Here's some stuff we're actually gona miss over the next couple of months.

1. Not being able to your college friends every day. Sniff.

We live and breathe every minute with our college homies, and adapting to spending time without them is one of the major downsides to summer.

2. Midday drinking

Now that you’re back home, it’s no longer possible to skip your 3 hour lab for a pint of Fosters in the student bar. Instead, the only alcohol you will consume during the day will be the Baileys cheesecake your Granny offers you during the lunch your parents forced you to endure, while your friends hit up the beach.


3. Peaceful sleep-ins

Back in the glory days, daily lie-ins were almost part of the daily routine. Sadly, you are now woken at 10am  by your mother who sharply opens the curtains and lectures you on how “you should be outside enjoying the good weather while we have it!”. Ugh.

4. Having excuses not to work

Throughout the college year there’s always an assignment or projects to be used as an excuse not to get a job. Now that you have three to four months sitting on your behind, you have no excuse to pass down a job offer from the local Supermacs. For those of us who already had part –time work prepare for a dramatic increase in ‘weekday’ work. Whoo.

5. Meeting new people


College offers brilliant opportunities to meet new and exciting people almost every day. At home however, you know everyone in your little town or village. A whole summer spent with the same people day in – day out is bound to take its toll. Bring back the randomers!

6. Going out whatever night you feel like it

Whether you’re in Dublin or Cork, Limerick or Galway, any night can be a ‘going out’ night. To our misfortune, Monday Madness and three euro pints on a Thursday are unheard of concepts in our locals. Drinking on a weeknight at home offers a crowd of your father’s friends and a varied choice of Guiness or Heineken on tap. Monday Madness we think not.

7. The classes you actually like


Although attending class wasn’t really your thing all semester, during the summer months we would happily sit in a class with the oddball lecturer who likes to reminisce about his weed smoking days on an escapade to Holland back in the 80’s. The entertaining stories kept your mind occupied but now...

8. Having something to talk about with distant relatives and old people

Since we have not yet reached the ‘talking about the weather’ stage of our lives, talking about college coursework and assignments helps to fill those awkward pauses at family reunions and with the old lady that still gives you money every Christmas. During the summer, this is no longer relevant conversation filler and you can almost hear the clock tick away the awkward moments of silence. You have no choice, weather it is. “The farmers are getting great weather for the silage, aren’t they?”

9. The convenience of delivery food

In college if you don’t feel like cooking or your oven decides to call it a day, food was only a call away, whether it’s Chinese or Indian, food is at your doorstep within the hour. However, if you are country folk like myself, delivery is a luxury. You live in the back arse of nowhere and you’re pretty sure that the sat-nav doesn’t even acknowledge where you live. Scraping the bottom of the freezer for a microwave pizza is as good as it gets.


10. The Free Wifi

Hey not everywhere has free wifi, it’s a commodity in this world! Not the best connection at times but it still kept you constantly connected during those ‘morning after the night before’ scenarios when a tagged photo or two needed to be removed immediately.

11. Being able to live on a budget

In college it’s quite do-able to live off literally zero cash. The 79c Lidl sausages may have been eaten after the best before date, but you’re still alive aren’t you? The summer months are an expensive time what with bikinis to be bought for sun holidays and inter railing tickets to be paid for. There’s grown -up style responsibilities on the horizon and it’s time to start saving. Sigh.



You can no longer stroll cross to apartment 6 at 3 am for a chat or meet up with the lads no questions asked. During the summer our time is spent answering to our bosses at work or the constant nagging of our parents. Every time we step out the door it’s like a game of 20 questions. JEEZ MOM GET OFF MY BACK!! Let's just say tensions are a little high.

13. The general atmosphere

College life is normally buzzing with stuff to do and with student discounts in every surrounding cinema, shop and restaurant, those days adventuring make up some of the best laughs you’ll ever have. Don’t get me wrong, summer is unreal, but going back in to college in September won’t be the worst thing in the world.

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