
Watch: A New Dating App Accessory Swipes Right 6,000 Times A Day For You

Watch: A New Dating App Accessory Swipes Right 6,000 Times A Day For You

Have you heard about the Tinda Finger? Well, it's about to change how you date forever.

Tinda Finger is perfect for anyone who isn't picky about their potential Tinder date. The small device, shaped like a human finger, connects to your phone through the charging portal and does the swiping for you so you can chill out and see who you match with.

Don't worry about not matching with anyone, the Tinda Finger can work its way through 6,000 swipes an hour and the device swipes right on everyone.  The most interesting part of this device is that you can't swipe left - we know, nerve-wrecking, right?

The device will come in both a blue and pink colour and will be compatible with iPhones and Androids. The Kickstarter began funding for the device three days ago and have already raised over half their goal and still have 23 days to go.

Check out how Tinda Finger works and find out more information from the creators of the revolutionary device:


If you contribute now to the Tinda Finger campaign on Kickstarter you'll receive your Tinda Finger just in time for Christmas and anyone who contributes £31 or more gets five Tinda Fingers.  To find out more about the Kickstarter project click here. Get that mistletoe ready lads...

Also Read: 11 Things You Will Relate To After A Break-Up

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