
Vodafone X Campus Tour Is Here And It's Coming To A College Near You!

Vodafone X Campus Tour Is Here And It's Coming To A College Near You!

What's that coming over the hill? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it renowned superhero and world's foremost advocate for wearing underpants as outerwear, Superman? No, it's the Vodafone X Campus Tour, and it's coming to a college near you!

We'll be bringing the Vodafone X Juice Bar to campuses around the country to help students get over the end of summer and get ready for the college year.

Even though the summer's over, your fun in college is only just beginning. At our Vodafone X Juice Bar we'll be giving away 150 freshly squeezed juices at each campus to help you all recover from Freshers' Week, and, to help you stay fresh for the year ahead, we'll also have 100 free keep-cups to give out.

Starting college can be a baffling whirlwind of new experiences, and there's enough to focus on without having to worry about whether you're getting a good deal on your phone plan. Vodafone X has been specifically designed for students and, with up to 25GBs of 4G data; unlimited texts; 100 mins of calls; and a choice of Spotify Premium; Sky Sports Mobile, or weekend extras, it's the perfect plan for any new student.

So, who doesn't love free stuff? To get your free juice, keep-cup and to find out about the best student phone deals around, keep an eye out for the Vodafone X Juice Bar on:

GMIT - Thursday, 19th September


WIT - Monday, 23rd September

DCU - Thursday, 26th September

LIT - Monday, 30th September

UCD - Wednesday, 2nd October

Also Read: The Ultimate Student Survival Guide To Limerick

CollegeTimes Staff
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