
What It's Like For A Girl Starting College, As Told By Disney


When you walked around on your open day, you were so pumped to be there.


Then you get to college ready to have the best grades, social life, and love life ever.


But the campus is enormous.


And you think your room is going to be like...


But really, it’s the size of a jail cell.


Not to mention, sometimes you walk into your room and your roommate… isn’t alone.


And you’re just like


And for some reason, no matter what time you shower it's freezing.


You go for food in the cafeteria and it's like


But somehow you manage to gain the stone that everyone said you would


At the beginning of the term, you couldn’t be more excited about your classes!


But then you get one of those lectureres who’s like,


Or one who is terrifying.


So you try to take notes in class like a good student.


But all of a sudden you get load of essays and exams all at once.


So you prep for your exam like a boss.


…Even when your friends distract you in the library.


And you walk in confident that you’re going to pass.


But you get your result back and you’re like


So you go to the lecturers office hours and you’re like


But your lecturer is just like


And then there’s the dating scene in college.  In school, you couldn’t wait to meet the guys in college


You expect college dating to be like


But really it’s full of dickheads


You try to flirt with a guy and think you look like this


When really you look like this


And there’s always that girl who tries to steal your guy and you’re just like



There’s the guy who only sends you booty call texts…



…and you respond anyway.


And there’s the guy who doesn’t text you at all and you’re like



So you find another guy


And this time he’s a keeper (if you’re lucky).



College house parties were a mystical thing in school.  You think they’re going to be like


And you walk in the house all dressed up ready to get your flirt on.



But the house parties are really like


And there’s always that one creep who's not getting the hint



And you’re just like


And after too many jagers, you walk home like



And then all of a sudden it’s your final year, and people start asking you what you’re planning on doing with your Arts degree in Music and Philosophy. 


And you’re just like



And then you start worrying about finding a job after graduation.


To quote Jane…



And then you actually have to graduate, and you have no idea where the time went


It turns out, between the shit accommodation, the mingin food, the insufferable lectures, the parties, and the cheeky scores, you made a lot of great memories in college


Do we really have to graduate?


 Via: HerCampus
Kate Breslin

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