
"You're So Cute!": 24 Struggles Of Being The Short Girl Of Your Friend Group

It's not easy being the short one in your friendship group. There's always the one friend who loves to point out just how small you are, in case you'd forgotten or something. Also, being referred to by strangers as the 'cute one' gets annoying after awhile. Those people should try and talk to you on a Monday morning, we'll see who's 'cute' then!

Scroll down for more small people problems that really ain't that small.

1. When you go to a gig you're the only who NEEDS to get to the front

2. Your friends ALWAYS lose you

3. People love to pat your head

4. This has actually happened to you

5. When your friends are staying over at yours, they always complain about the shower head's positioning

Then they adjust it and you can't reach to put it back to where it was! The bastards!

6. When it's winter and you want to wear a cool baggy jumper like everyone else you end up looking like this...

7. You're always made to stand at the front in photos

8. Or some joker will try and lift you up

9. High heels are your BFF

10\ Until all your friends decide to wear heels too

11. Hugs are always awkward

12. You often get your taller friend's boobs in your face

13. People call you 'cute' way too often

14. You've met your friend's much younger siblings and they're taller than you

15. Cooking dinner for your mates is a bit of a workout because of all that reaching

16. When you go to a theme park the "You sure you're tall enough for this ride?" jokes are never-ending

17. Instagram is not your friend, you're forced to cut either yourself out or all of your friend's heads

18. When you offer to drive there's always SOMEONE who'll joke about you not reaching the pedals

19. If you're not driving, you have to sit in the middle seat

20. Or on someone's lap

21. You have definitely Googled this before

22. It always seems like your friends are walking a million times faster

Their long legs are walking at a normal pace, your short legs are basically performing a record-breaking sprint just to keep up.

23. When you meet someone who's smaller than you this is your reaction

24. And then you get a little annoyed, because being small is totally your thing

So embrace your shortness peeps!

CollegeTimes Staff
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