
So You've Got The Degree.....What Next?

You've done it. You've battled through the tedious lectures, mountains of assignments and highlighted more words than any human should ever have to highlight. You've come out the other end alive, well and ready to take on the world and nothing or nobody can stop you. This is your time, the next chapter of your life is just lying open, ready and awaiting your stories and your tales. Now, your only decision is what to do next. Not to worry, here's the College Times guide on what to do after you've got your degree. Are you ready?

Travel the world.

We all grew up hearing and learning about these far-flung exotic places and dreamt of one day visiting them for real. Well, now is your time my friend. Write down every country you want to visit and make it happen. Stray off the beaten path a bit, don't just mould yourself into everyone else's plans and pretend that you'd love nothing more than to bum around South East Asia for four months when really, Iceland is far more appealing to you. You've only got one shot at this whole life malarky, so live it for you.

Live abroad for a while.

There's a lot to be learned from living in another, unfamiliar country for a while once you're out in the big, bad world. Not only is it a brilliant way to meet new people, to see new places and to open your mind, you'll come back far more educated and aware of the world than you can even imagine. Not to mention independent, of course.

Work abroad for a while too.


So yes, living abroad is the first step, but once you get there, it's probably pretty essential that you work too (well, a person's got to eat, am I right?). Working abroad is a great way to learn about different workplaces and how to adapt within them, plus it's fantastic to have on your CV once you get back. Check you out, cultured as they come!

Expand on your social circles.

Having old friends is so important for your sanity (among other things), but making new friends, creating new bonds and meeting new people, people outside of your regular social circles, is such a necessity to have in your everyday adult life. You just don't know who's going to affect your life in a positive way, who's potentially going to change it and make you look at things differently and there's only one way to do that: by putting yourself out there into the big, bad world.

Learn more in a real, world setting.

After spending roughly 18 years straight in school, the last thing you probably want to do is get back to the books and I'd be the last person to try and force you to do that. What they don't tell you though, is that actually, the learning never stops. Whether it's learning about your job, learning about the world or just educating yourself more on the whole, now is your time!


Get some real life experience.

School is not real life. College is not real life. Do you know what is real life? Earning money, saving money, travelling alone, buying that IKEA furniture AND putting it together, all by yourself. Leaning on your friends in time of need, but not texting your parents the second you run out of money. Finding what it is that you want from life and then going after it, hell for leather. So what am I really saying? I'm saying that it's time for you to get the hell out there and start living!

Finding out who really are.

It's difficult trying to figure out who you really are when you've got people constantly surrounding you, trying to influence and mould you into something that, ultimately, you are not. They say that college is a time for figuring out your true self, but I happen to think that post-college life is actually the time to do just that. You're finally free of the shackles of rigid college routines and you can be and do things that you've always wanted. So go forth and be you!

Exploring new interests and passions.


Watch what you want to watch, listen to music that you love, try your hand at that obscure sport that's always kind of interested you. Be a bolder, better (if that's possible) version of you by breaking outside of your comfort zone and exploring the new. You'll never know where your talents lie until you give it a go, after all.

Finally, get your career on track.

Last, but certainly not least is the whole 'getting your career on track', thing. After all, isn't that what college is for? Isn't that why you spent hours and hours cramming, reading, sweating, crying over exam results and napping tactically in the library? Well, it was all for this time. Whether it's a graduate programme, an internship or a straightforward first job kind of thing, get your first foot on that career ladder and you'll never look back!

Apply for the Jameson Graduate Programme

If you'd like to combine all of the above and more and take the next viable step in your future, then why not apply for the Jameson Graduate Programme? Not only is this a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn on the job, to travel, to live somewhere new and exciting, to meet similar, ambitious young people like yourself, but it's a great chance to get a kickstart in an exciting and evocative career. Recent graduates with a full, clean drivers licence are eligible to apply. Graduate Distiller Programme applications close Wednesday 25th November 2015 & International Graduate Programme applications close Wednesday 13th January 2016.

If you'd like to take the next step and do a little of all of the above, then the Jameson Graduate Programme may be the answer you're looking for. See their website for more information and for details on how to apply for the programmes. 

CollegeTimes Staff
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