Life 101

The Hidden Fees Your Irish Bank Doesn't Want You To Know About

The Hidden Fees Your Irish Bank Doesn't Want You To Know About

It's pretty obvious that banks make a mint but what you may not have known is just how much you're being charged for every single transaction. Here's Irish bank hidden fees, thanks to one Redditor who was looking into the costs of his bank's contactless charges.

AIB are introducing contactless charges at the end of feb (after you get used to using it) so I was looking up other bank's costs and thought I'd share. from ireland

The screenshots might be put together a bit haphazardly but they essentially show that Permanent TSB and Ulster Bank don't charge any day to day banking fees, whereas KBC Bank, Bank of Ireland and AIB charge you even for withdrawing from an ATM.

It's a bit of a kick in the teeth because there are monthly fees on top of those figures as well!

Commenters were quick to either slam their bank or try to convince others why theirs is better:


At least we don't have to pay $35 to get cashout, like in Australia. It could be worse.

Also read: Ryanair Wants To Make Airfares Free... But There's A Bit Of A Catch

Emma Greenbury
Article written by
Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.

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