
Apparently Americans Don't Use Kettles And Twitter Is Freaking Out

Apparently Americans Don't Use Kettles And Twitter Is Freaking Out

What are the Yanks like? It's come to the world's attention that most Americans don't own kettles. How on earth any human race could survive without a kitchen appliance that is so ingrained in Irish society is beyond us.

Can we just let this sink in a bit: instead of using a kettle, Americans boil their water in the MICROWAVE. Yes, they heat up their water in a microwave, use one of those ghastly stovetop kettles or heat it up in a pot. It's safe to say the Twitter-verse lost it;


Some sick individuals admitted to the reasoning for not owning an electric kettle, a disclaimer, this might cause fits of anger;


I think what this whole controversy has shown us is that Americans have no idea what they're talking about. I don't care if they claim it heats up the water quicker, I don't care if it's to do with their voltage, what I care about is how morally wrong it is to heat water up in the microwave.

What would Mrs. Doyle think of this?


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Ciara Finnegan

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