
This American News Report Bravely Tries To Explain Just What The Hell Buckfast Is

This American News Report Bravely Tries To Explain Just What The Hell Buckfast Is

Just what is it we Irish people love so much about Buckfast?

The taste? The refined image? The subtle tones of the bright yellow label?

Nope! According to this CNBC news report, about how the monks behind the supercharged caffeinated wine have recorded a whopping $11m in profits this year, the reason is something far more intrinsic to our deepest, darkest past: it's because it reminds us of communion wine.

Yep. Communion wine.

The report is fixated mainly on the brand's association with Scotland, but makes a nod to our shared 'Celtic' heritage, saying:

One theory over why Buckfast is popular in the west of Scotland is that Catholic supporters of the soccer club Celtic enjoyed its similarity to communion wine.

But that's not the only gem the article contains...


It also kindly informs the American readers:

Scottish fans of the drink have given it nicknames such as "Wreck the Hoose Juice" and "Commotion Lotion".

And there's also the the sobering (!) statistic that one bottle contains the same amount of caffeine as eight cans of cola.

We can't help but feel that, despite the responsible warning tone of the article, that this is going to pique quite a lot of curiosity in the frat houses of the US...

You can read the report here.

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