
Enda Kenny Has Made His Decision About Meeting Trump

Enda Kenny Has Made His Decision About Meeting Trump

A decision regarding Taoiseach Enda Kenny meeting Trump on St Patrick's Day is to go ahead, despite the entire country wanting him to cancel the meeting.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that Trump recently banned people, particularly Muslims, from  Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US. According to RTÉ, Enda will meet up with Trump 'in order to maintain the historically strong links between the Irish and American peoples.'

However, Kenny's visit to the 'land of the free' (lol), will allow him to 'outline, in person, his Government's views on a range of issues, including business and economic ties, immigration and other matters of common interest.' There has been an outcry from other political parties such as People Before Profit, Labour and the Green Party urging the Taoiseach to cancel the visit.

All three parties have asked Kenny to cancel visiting the fake-tanned business mogul, to let Trump know that Ireland does not agree with what Trump stands for. People have took to Twitter to share their opinions on the matter:


Well it seems the Irish public know what they stand for.

Also Read: This Bad Lip Reading Of Donald Trump's Inauguration Is Everything

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Ciara Finnegan

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