
A New Law Will Assume Every Irish Person Is An Organ Donor

A New Law Will Assume Every Irish Person Is An Organ Donor

A new Irish organ donor law that will presume patients are organ donors in the event of their death and is set to roll out at the end of this year. So what will this mean for people who are super against donating organs? There will be an available opt-out option once the person in question or guardian decides not to donate organs.

The reason for the huge change is to start a conversation in Ireland amongst families who've either received a donation or have already previously donated organs. According to The Irish Examiner, the opt-out, rather than an opt-in system, is in order to try and get more organ donors on board.

It's clear the Minister for Health Simon Coveney is very much pushing to get more organ donors in Ireland. The Department of Health posted these images of Minister Coveney to Twitter, thanking the selflessness of families, 'who give "gift of life" to others.'

It's easy to see that the Irish Twitter-verse were overwhelmingly positive to the news;


The Minister for Health hopes to have the Human Tissue Bill in full swing by the end of the year. What do you think of the news? Do you think we should still be allowed the free-will to opt-in to becoming a donor or do you think the assumption will be good for patients in need?

Let us know in the comments below.

Main Image/IKA

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Ciara Finnegan

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