
Help Fill A Luas Tram With Presents For The Homeless

Help Fill A Luas Tram With Presents For The Homeless

Well done Luas, this is a fantastic idea for a fantastic cause.


A Luas tram at Connolly Station is being filled to the brim with shoe boxes containing presents for homeless people. The appeal is in conjunction with Inner City Helping Homeless and aims to give much needed toiletries to people sleeping rough this Christmas.

All it takes is popping a few toiletries in a shoe box and wrapping it in Christmas paper. It's five minutes out of your day that can really make a difference to someone.

Last year saw over 3000 shoe boxes filled with gifts from the public, and the organisers this year are hoping to receive over 5000 donations. The appeal will be ongoing until 7pm this evening so there's still time to donate.




Also Read: Here's Where To Purchase Your Christmas Jumper For 12 Pubs

Ciara Finnegan

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