Still thrilled about that bottle of "Hugo Buss" you got for three quid last year in Bulgaria? Still spritzing the shit out of it before you head out the door are you? Maybe don't, and not just because it's nauseating and everyone around you is too kind to tell you. You need to stop because new info has revealed that knock-off fragrances might contain traces of urine. Yes that's right as in actual wee/piss.
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security division recently found scary ingredients in “fake” perfumes, such as urine, anti-freeze and other unpleasant, flammable or dangerous chemicals that can burn when applied directly to the skin. Those behind the counterfeit perfumes use the branding of authentic perfume-makers such as Ralph Lauren, Chanel and Calvin Klein. But their blend of ingredients are more than a little bit sick and possibly dangerous.
In a New York raid last week, investigators seized over 10,000 bottles of the fake piss perfume. The sickening scents are said to originate from China and are being sold to wholesalers online. So it’s worth checking that the beauty products you’re buying are the real deal, as it's not ideal to be spraying yourself liberally with some strangers piss, even if it was a bargain.