I don't like crystal balls, never had time for them, predicting futures and mystic megs, palm readers, reading tea leaves, white witches and magic eight balls. Collectively none of them will ever come anywhere near our very own Ian Smith when gauging if she's up to the task. Here are the tell tale signs she'll be bad in bed.
Sloppy Kisser
If she seems slightly naive when it comes to tongue tennis then it may be a sign of little experience. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course. But just don't be getting your hopes up for a sexual encounter that will take your breath away.
Body Language
Eye contact, mirroring body language, non verbal communication are all key things to keep an eye on. If she doesn't appear comfortable when not speaking or while listening to you then things are looking good.
Seems Intimidated
Moving on from body language there is a stage when you can tell that it's not just nervousness any more. It is quite possible that she is aware that intercourse may be on the cards and that will be scary. Again it may be an experience thing and if you sense it is then if you feel it appropriate then ask her. Not everyone has the same experience and some of us need guidance. It doesn't mean we can't learn.
Bad dancer
Dancing and the rhythm’s associated with it can give a hint to what she moves like in the bedroom. If it replicates your granny doing the siege of Ennis at a family wedding you maybe want to reassess the situation.
She acts like she's doing every guy she's with a favour
Everything she does with you makes it feel like she's under great strain and that she's doing you a favour or probably doing it to earn a favour in return and that she has no real interest in it.. Well she'll probably lie there and make it seem like she's doing you a favour by mounting her precious body and enter her glorious vagina. Probably because underneath it all, she really hasn't a clue what to do with it....
Afraid to try new things
Does she order the same food over and over again on all of your dates? May point towards the fact she is stuck in a rut and could possibly a one position all the way girl. Which she may have mastered...but have little or any interest in anything else, which may get dull after a while.
Talks a big game
Or she tries to intimidate you by the fact that she's covering up for something else. It may be just that she's self concious and that will pass as she realises that you don't hold to heart the things she thinks are wring with her or that she is nervous about being her body. These are things like I said that will pass as are general things we all get nervous about but be weary of the girl who isn't doesn't represent what she speaks. Especially when she has far fetched tales about sex.
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