
Aer Lingus Have Announced A Massive Sale On Flights To North America And Europe

Aer Lingus Have Announced A Massive Sale On Flights To North America And Europe

In spite of the sunny weather recently, you may have noticed a foreboding sense of unease gnawing away in the pit of your stomach. "To what could this be attributed?", you may have thought to yourself. Well, cancel the appointment you've booked with your GP, you will not need it. That malaise was simply a pre-emptive tingling in your waters alerting you to the fact that Aer Lingus were soon to announce a major sale on flights to the United States and Europe.

To help you come to terms with the fact that, the last of the summer's good weather seems to be inexorably ebbing away, they want to help you flee this country as soon as dangin' p. Rather than just accept the cyclicality of the seasons and appreciate that, though we will all undoubtedly miss the summer, there are joys to be found in autumn as well, they want you to flee to sunnier climes - or to some of their regional British destinations.

Prices start at €24.99 for flights to Manchesterand Birmingham, and gradually increase from there - should you wish to travel to somewhere that's not Manchester or Birmingham. Some highlights on the list include flights from Dublin to Venice or Lisbon for €29.99; Milan, Barcelona or Madrid for €34.99, or Split for €49.99. The dates of travel for which this sale applies are from 1 October to 16 December.

But their rampant, insatiable desire to see you rack up air-miles and increase that carbon footprint of yours from a size seven to a whopping size 13, doesn't stop there. They are also offering discounts on flights to America for dates between 1 November 2019 and 31 March 2020, and at prices starting at €154.


Perhaps the cynical among you are fearing that this seems too good to be true, and may only apply to flights heading to some god foresaken airport in the middle of the American scrub, well pack that bitter suspicion away. We're talking about all the big hitters here. Boston? Yes please. New York? Don't mind if I do. Los Angeles? I have my bank card in hand and am ready to make a transaction - in the low triple figures - to make this happen, please.

Head on over to their website to avail of this offer.

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Rory McNab

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