
10 Things To Love About Yourself Before Loving Someone Else

It's very easy to jump into a relationship with someone and forget about your wellbeing in the process. For your relationship to work, you must love who you are before you can ever truly love someone else. You must remember that relationships don't always work out and if they don't, will you recognise yourself at the end of it all? Here are 10 things to love about yourself before loving someone else;

Embrace your quirks. All of them.

Make sure you're over your Ex. Leave the past in the past. 

Appreciate your intelligence. You can do anything you want. 

Work that confidence to the max. Make the most of your appearance, if you feel good, you'll look great.

Go for your goals. There's no limit to what you can achieve. Go big.


Work on your creativity. If you've got a buried creative side, bring it back out. 

Don't beat yourself up over life's hurdles. Things will only get better. 

Know which friends are forever and keep them. 

Laugh off the silly mistakes, in fact, laugh as much as you can.

Alex Langley
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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.
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