
A Derry Girls Film Seems To Be In The Works

A Derry Girls Film Seems To Be In The Works

With Covid-19 having a massive impact on film and TV production around the world, there's mixed news for fans of the talented writer Lisa McGee.

Granted, right about now, the entire gang were supposed to be back filming Season 3 of <a href="https://www.balls.ie/the-rewind/derry-girls-provide-vital-lesson-self-isolate-429569">Derrya> but those plans have been put on the back-burner until it's safe to do so.

However, McGee does have a brand new murder mystery that's set to be released on Virgin Media over the coming months, The Deceived.

While we've all got to wait a little bit longer to see Orla, James, Eric, Clare, and Michelle on our TV screens, McGee has some good news though because she has an idea for a Derry Girls film, which is the "long-term" plan after Series 3 is completed.

During an interview on <a href="https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/items/19148" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Ray D'Arcy Show</a>, McGee said: "For a while I was kind of like 'I dunno, would it work?' but now an idea has started to vaguely form in my head. After Series 3, I'll think a bit about that a bit more and try. I think I'd like to do it, I think the girls would like to do it. Ha, the cast even because some of the cast are men and boys! I think that will be the long-term plan."


As for The Deceived, that's the new four-part series from McGee and her husband, writer and actor Tobias Beer.


Filmed in Belfast, The Deceived tells the story of Ophelia (Emily Reid), a student who "falls in love with her timelessly attractive and charismatic, but married college lecturer, Dr Michael Callaghan (Emmet J Scanlan, Peaky Blinders, The Fall)".

The cast also includes Paul Mescal (Normal People), Catherine Walker (Resistance, The Delinquent Season), Eleanor Methven (Derry Girls, Little Women) and Ian McElhinney (Game of Thrones, Derry Girls).

Take a look at what's in store.

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