
Rapper Makes Song Called 'White People Are Crazy'

And it turns out he may in fact be correct... Atlanta-based rapper Rawcus has come out of nowhere and kicked off 2014 with a song already making waves on the internet called ‘White People Crazy’.

Speaking about his new 'hit' song, Rawcus said,  “I have determined after years of TV and the Internet mind programming that ‘crazy behavior’ is putting yourself into harm’s way to look cool to your peers,” explained Rawcus. “What’s really crazy is the people never actually expect to get hurt; they expect the footage to be ‘epic,’ as y’all white people would put it. No offense.”

Very astute Rawcus, but I can't help feel that if the shoe was on the other foot there would be a an imminent shitstorm...



Shane Johnston
Article written by
Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover. shane@collegetimes.com
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