
32 Of Our Favourite Childhood Toys As Kids

College Times have decided to put together 31 of our favorite toys. It's made us all very nostalgic, let us know if we've missed any.

32. Micro Scooters

They were all the craze for those 10 and 11 year old birthday gifts. And, nothing was quite as cool as scooting along your estate showing everyone what you got.

31. Power Rangers

Happy Birthday fellas! The variety of colours, the t.v show, they dominated the 90's. Go go Power Rangers!


30. Star Wars Action Figures

One of the most widely sold toys ever, worth a good bit of money if you keep them in mint condition. Pop them in an air tight container and watch them gain value.

29. Polly Pocket

The smallest little woman in the smallest little house in the world. Almost immediately after opening, Polly Pocket was lost forever but we did love her.


28. Car City Map

On the floor of many houses, this was THE BEST place to play with your cars!


27. Super Soaker

Essential for a sunnday day in the park. Lash on some sun glasses and pretend to be the Terminator. "I'll be back"


26. Furby

Even though their constant 'FURBY' noises did get annoying they were the toy of the 90s. Coming in different colors and designs they were a child's dream.

25. Troll Doll's

These little guys were weird and naked and had no function but we loved their smiling faces. Nawww.


24. Action Man

The greatest hero of them all!

23. Barbie

The disproportionate blonde bombshell that gave every girl unrealistic expectations about hair, make up and waist lines.


22. Bop It

This piece of equipment gave us kids our first high pressure situation. BOP IT!

21. Tamagotchi

This toy taught us how to look after a fake animal that was needy. Was the lesson responsibility or... let something die so you don't have to deal with it.


20. POGs


19. Talkboy

The recording device that saved Macaulay Culkins life in Home Alone 2. It could speed up OR slow down your voice.


18. Pokemon Cards



17. TY beanie babies


Great stocking fillers and have been said to be quite the collectors item. Don't throw these babies out, they could be big sellers on eBay in a few years.

16. Buzz Lightyear Action

This little hero sent parents into a frenzy one Christmas ('95 perhaps...?) as every little boy and girl had their eye on this man after seeing Toy Story 1.

15. Hula hoop


A simple design that some kids could master while others looked a clapping seal.

14. Hungry hippos

Parents everywhere cursed the day this game was born. The Hungry Hippos just made unnecessary noise and the balls found their way down the couch.



13. My little pony

The lucky ones got a mini hairbrush to style their Pony's hair.


12. Operation

Call the doctor, it's so much fun to play!


11. Slinky

Simple, yet genius

10. Yo-yo

Dominating the school yard, 'walking the dog' meant something magical when it came to a yo yo!


9. Top Trumps

Agility, strength, fear factor, killing power... hours of fun.

8. Roller skates

Before you were allowed the big boy/girl roller skates/blades, you had to test these bad boys out. Highly uncomfortable, dangerous on the wrong feet.


7. Play-doh

The only time play-doh was its true colour was when it JUST came out of its little pots. Then it all melded together and turned a brownish pukey green. It melded into the carpet or your friends hair... Smelled great though.

6. Rubik cube

Genius design bla bla bla... way to make kids feel stoopid.


5. Etch a sketch

Brilliant design, the best part of it being the swoosh sound when you shook it clear.

4. Matchbox cars

HOURS of fun playing with cars. Crash, bang! Race! Wheeling them up your parents back as they watched The Late Late.


3. Gameboy

Mario brothers, Tetris, Frogger; Gameboys kept many a child quiet during a long car journey.

2. Scalextric

The whole family wanted to get involved in this construction. Skalextric were the crème de la crème of toys.

1. Lego

Lego has to be up there at number 1. Lego is the king of creation and while it hurt like a mother fucker to stand on a single piece, it was still the thing that kept us busy for hours.


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