
6 Adult Board Games We All Need To Play At Least Once

6 Adult Board Games We All Need To Play At Least Once

As kids, we grew up playing board games and from what I remember I always had the best craic. When we grow into young 'sophisticated' adults, we tend to leave the board game life behind us. But I'm just not OK with kids having all the fun so I've taken it upon myself to compile a list of the best adult board games out there. Whether you play these with a few drinks or just for the craic you are guaranteed to have a great laugh. Now, I wonder can you play these properly through Zoom...

What Do You Meme?

In a generation where we are all obsessed with tagging our friends in memes it seems fitting that we play a game based around that. The aim of the game is to create the funniest meme by pairing a picture card with a caption card. A rotating judge will then pick the best one. Who ever thought of this is a genius. You can get it here and I would highly recommend.

Cards Against Humanity

"A party game for horrible people", yes please! Each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. The player with the black card chooses the best answer. It's awkward, hilarious, dirty everything you what you want from a good board game. You can get it here.

Drunk Stoned Or Stupid


250 prompt cards to decide who in the group is most likely to_____. Be prepared to call your friends out and get called out yourself. By the end of the game you will either be in stitches laughing or you will be walking away with no friends at all. Worth the risk? Definitely. Get it here.

Sleep In A Bucket

A game from the creators of Drunk Stoned Or Stupid. This game is basically would you rather in card form. To give you a little teaser, "Would you rather be able to talk to animals but they all hate you OR work 9 to 5 as a human table?" You need this game asap. Get it here.

Hot Seat

"Hear the stories your friends were hoping everyone forgot". Each round write an answer to the question pretending to be the player in the hot seat. Points are awarded to the people who guess the hot seat player's response correctly. All is let out in this game. Are you ready for it? Course you are, get it here.

Drawing Without Dignity

Basically an adult version of pictionary. In this game your knowledge and ability to draw inappropriate material is what will win you the game. "670 inappropriate things to draw, more than most deplorably bad people can handle". It's actually hilarious. Get it here.

See Also: 5 Things To Do On A Snow Day When Your Not A Kid Anymore

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