
The Drunken Movie Checklist

If you don't have the money to go out, or just want to stay up for one or two more drinks at the end of the night, there is no better solution than a drunk movie. Here's our list of 51 of the best movies to watch while getting hammered. Enjoy!

1) Superbad

Why Watch It?: It's about a bunch of kids getting drunk, trying to get laid and extremely laid back cops. It's also a ridiculously funny film with plenty of quotes.
Best Bit: McLovin


2) Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

Why Watch It?: It is a drug and alcohol fuelled trip through Las Vegas. None of the scenes connect together logically, which means it's fine if you're not paying too much attention.
Best Bit: The Merry-Go-Round



3) The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Why Watch It?: It has that B-movie style of ridiculous that you only get at around 2 a.m., which is probably close to the time you'll be watching it. There are also some extremely catchy songs, and Halloween costume ideas, to be found.
Best Bit: The Time Warp


4) The Avengers

Why Watch It?: Action movies take themselves too seriously and are hard to follow, so they don't make good drunk movies. The Avengers is basically a comedy with one massive set-piece in the end. That set piece is so massive and skirmish-y, you don't really need to be aware of what's happening to enjoy it.
Best Bit: The Hulk and Thor 'make up'



5) Anchorman

Why Watch It?: This is just an onslaught of epic one-liners that are perfect for quoting and yelling in a drunken state.
Best Bit: The News Team Battle Royale


6) Space Jam

Why Watch It?: Packed to the absolute gills with nostalgia, either for the 90s, or when you were a kid in general, thanks to the many toon cameos. This is fun, colourful, and requires zero thinking on your part to watch.
Best Bit: 'Michaels Secret Stuff'



7) Aladdin

Why Watch It?: I know I'm not crazy when I say that Disney movies make for great drunken viewing. Odds are, you know it like the back of your hand, it's funny, colourful, and easy to follow. Of all of them, Aladdin is probably the best. It's consistently funny, not a single bad song throughout and even has that little bit of action at the end.
Best Bit: Robin Williams' Genie


8) Grease

Why Watch It?: It's Grease. The Ultimate musical. If you're drunk, there's a good chance you like singing. This will serve you well!
Best Bit: "I've got chiiilllls..."



9) Nightmare on Elm Street 2/4/5/6

Why Watch It?: Any bad horror film works for a drunken movie, it's basically an hour and a half of laughing at stupid people do stupid things. The Nightmare On Elm Street sequels serve that purpose nicely, barely registering as horror at all. Watch the trailer if you don't believe me. Also note the absence of Elm Street 3, a genuinely scary sequel.
Best Bit: Freddy plays Video Games


10) This Is Spinal Tap

Why Watch It?: A mockumentary about hilariously stupid rock stars, playing awesome rock music? Why wouldn't you watch it? The way this film is set up, it's just like watching mindless reality TV. Only, you know, good.
Best Bit: Stonehenge



11) Spaceballs

Why Watch It?: It's not the smartest, or even the funniest, Mel Brooks movie there is, but it definitely works as the best drunken movie to watch. Easy to follow plot, lots of dumb Star Wars references to laugh at, and John Candy is a half man, half dog creature.
Best Bit: The great and wise Yoghurt


12) Dazed and Confused

Why Watch It?: It's a nostalgic fuelled trip through sex, drugs and rock n' roll. The 'plot' is basically a bunch of kids going to a party, and will probably make you feel mischievous. Lock up any paddles or sticks you might have lying around.
Best Bit: Stoner conspiracy theories



13) Black Dynamite

Why Watch It?: Taking Blaxploitation to new levels of inappropriate hilarity. This is easily the most ridiculous cop movie ever made, with kung fu, moustaches and babes aplenty.
Best Bit: Ninja Island


14) Billy Madison

Why Watch It?: Arguably the best Adam Sandler comedy from his heyday, this is one of the most 90's movies you'll ever see. It would never be made today, so it's as funny to watch as it is to see what we once considered 'comedy'
Best Bit: Steve Buscemi



15) Ghostbusters

Why Watch It?: Because you've seen this film a million times (probably, you better have) so you don't need to pay attention to stay on track. That, and Bill Murray. All of Bill Murray.
Best Bit: The Slimer capture


16) Batman Returns

Why Watch It?: Any of the Burton/Schumacher Batman movies work here because they're so cartoony. If you can stomach Batman and Robin, you might find it hilarious while drunk. If the original doesn't seem too serious, it might be a better watch. But Returns straddles the line of funny and awesome nicely, with great set-pieces to zone in and out of.
Best Bit: The march of the Penguin's penguins



17) Friday

Why Watch It?: It's a film about two guys who spend their day doing next to nothing and getting high. It barely goes anywhere as a story, and it's stupidly funny.
Best Bit: "You ain't got no sugar?! Daaaammn!"


18) Mortal Kombat

Why Watch It?: A glorious combination of action, silliness and 90's nostalgia. It also plays out like a playthrough of the game, with just one fight after another, so it's easy to dip in and out of while you and your mates attempt to flying kick each other.
Best Bit: "Those were 500 dollar sunglasses, asshole."



19) Wild Child

Why Watch It?: It's silly, girly and mindless. Girls can relate and laugh. Guys can't relate, but can laugh anyway.
Best Bit: Malibu Moment!


20) Army Of Darkness

Why Watch It?: The Evil Dead Movies are great for their singular comedy set-pieces (like Ash wrestling with his possessed hand), but Army of Darkness is consistently ridiculous, with plenty of opportunities for you to go "...wait, what? When did that happen?"
Best Bit: Tiny little minions attack Ash



21) Hot Rod

Why Watch It?: It's the story of an amateur stunt-man, trying and failing to do ridiculous stunts. Needless to say, he gets hurt. A lot.
Best Bit: Rage dancing and falling off enormous cliffs


22) Pirates Of The Carribean

Why Watch It?: It's a good movie, but a little difficult to follow. So why watch it? Easy: Jack Sparrow.
Best Bit: Jack Sparrow fights Will Turner in the blacksmiths.



23) Super Troopers

Why Watch It?: If you were a cop against your wishes and need to find a way to make your life more bearable, this is basically how you'd pass your time. Almost as many epic quotes as Anchorman as well.
Best Bit: Meow. Pull over meow.


24) Beavis and Butt-Head Do America

Why Watch It: Because, hehehe, heehhehehehe, hehehehe, hehehehehehe, You said cock-pit.
Best Bit: The Great Cornholio



25) Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Why Watch It?: The original is a solid movie, with a good plot. Therefore, not a great drunken movie. The sequel, on the other hand, is just plain insane. Excessive comedy, and OTT set-pieces. Exactly what you want.
Best Bit: The Gremlins attack the science lab


26) Animal House

Why Watch It?: Because it is the perfect college movie and perfectly reflects what is happening in your drunken life right now. Also, the 80's, the best decade for movies.
Best Bit: Toga, Toga, Toga, Toga!



27) Mean Girls

Why Watch It?: Because it has been quoted so damn much at this stage, you don't even need to be aware what's happening to appreciate this movie!
Best Bit: Meeting the Plastics for the first time


28) Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Why Watch It?: Another one for the nostalgia factor, this movie is like slipping into a heated blanket. It also has an incredible, criminally underrated, soundtrack that works really well to soothe your drunken mind.
Best Bit: Toon Town



29) Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery

Why Watch It?: Because if you've seen a bond movie, you don't need to know what's going on. And hearing Austin Powers yell "Yeeeaaah, Baby!" is likely to get everyone started yelling it.
Best Bit: Dr. Evil's son has Daddy issues.


30) Deep Blue Sea

Why Watch It?: As awful films go, this is pretty freaking terrible. Bad acting is just great to laugh at, and sharks, well....sharks and drunkenness just go hand-in-hand. Movie sharks, that is.
Best Bit: Sam L Jackson's sudden demise.



31) The Room

Why Watch It?: It's.....so........awful! :)
Best Bit: "You are tearing me apart, Lisa!"


32) Easy A

Why Watch It?: Like Mean Girls, Easy A is just a great movie for dipping in and out of, picking up quotes here and there. And seeing Emma Stone in a drunken haze, that's gotta be good. For guys and girls.
Best Bit: Pocket full of sunshine!



33) Monty Python And The Holy Grail

Why Watch It?: Our sense of humour is hardly sophisticated when we get drunk. We tend to laugh at funny words and silly accents a lot more than we would normally. This movie was made for, and by, people with that permanent sense of humour.
Best Bit: The Outrrrraaageous French Accents


34) Scrooged

Why Watch It?: If it's coming up to Christmas, you may need to get into the spirit with a drunken Christmas movie. Because everyone knows the story of a Christmas Carol (mainly from the Muppets) little attention needs to be paid, except when Bill Murray is being hilarious.
Best Bit: It's a TOASTER!



35) Starship Troopers

Why Watch It?: Action Movies usually don't work as drunk movies. But when they're this ridiculous, exceptions need to be made.
Best Bit: The hugely unnecessary shower scene


36) Shaun Of The Dead

Why Watch It?: Because even if you're drunk, the subliminal message of how to survive a zombie apocalypse might actually sink in.
Best Bit: "That was the second record I ever bought!"



37) Spice World

Why Watch It?: If you ever needed a reason to spark off an impromptu 90's disco, this film is will probably do the trick. Putting on the greatest hits CD would probably do just as well, but then you'd miss out on...
Best Bit: The bus driver is Meat Loaf


38) Waynes World 1 & 2

Why Watch It?: Both films are just about partying, being silly, and rock music. Also gives solid advice on how to start your own TV show.
Best Bit: Bohemian Rhapsody



39) 16 Candles

Why Watch It?: Because Molly Ringwald is adorable and this is also a great movie to spur on bitching about people you don't like.
Best Bit: "Am I turning you on?"


40) Scott Pilgrim Versus The World

Why Watch It?: If you watch this a few times sober, you begin to realise that there is next to no plot, and it's just a mass of pop culture/video game references, mashed in with fight scenes and comedy. Perfect drunken viewing.
Best Bit: "I'm in lesbians with you"



41) South Park: Bigger Longer And Uncut

Why Watch It?: It's a foul-mouthed musical about swearing and Cartman gets electrocuted about a million times in it.
Best Bit: The V-chip


42) School Of Rock

Why Watch It?: Nothing move fast in this film, so much of it is just people talking inappropriately in a classroom, punctuated with awesome music and band references.
Best Bit: Jack Black meeting the kids for the first time.



43) The Blues Brothers

Why Watch It?: There aren't many musicals that will make you want to physically get up and dance, but if any of them has a chance of doing it, it's the Blues Brothers.
Best Bit: Minnie the Moocher


44) Zoolander

Why Watch It?: The only thing funnier than watching this film is watching this film, zoning out, and then trying to remember why Ben Stiller is giving himself a wedgie.
Best Bit: The Underground Catwalk



45) Tropic Thunder

Why Watch It?: A combination of quotes, mindless action and slapstick comedy. Like Rambo for people with short attention spans.
Best Bit: Robert Downey Jr.'s character. All of it.


46) Jackass The Movie

Why Watch It?: People doing ridiculously stupid things, getting hurt and eating disgusting things? There's even a warning not to try this at home, perfect viewing material for drunkards.
Best Bit: The Finale.



47) Pineapple Express

Why Watch It?: This is a step-by-step guide on how not to have a drug trip. Needless to say, it's hilarious.
Best Bit: The Car Chase


48) Van Wilder

Why Watch It?: It's a modern(-ish) version of Animal House.
Best Bit: The eclairs



49) The Hangover

Why Watch It?: Aside from being a great comedy, it's a sly reminder of what your hangover is probably going to be like the next day.
Best Bit: The Mike Tyson cameo


50) The Nightmare Before Christmas

Why Watch It?: Another Christmas drunken movie, it has epic songs, an easy to follow plot, and ticks the nostalgia factor in terms of both movies and for a time when you believed in Santa. Which breaks through all drunken barriers.
Best Bit: "What's this? What's this? There's colour everywhere!"


51) Old School

Why Watch It?: The last of the Animal House clones, this one has a very Judd Apatow spin on it, and, again, almost no plot to speak of, which makes it easier to follow.
Best Bit: The old man fight



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