Living with your parents isn't ideal but when you're at college and rents are the highest they've ever been, sometimes there's no option. But that doesn't mean you have to love it, in fact many hate it so badly they make memes about it.
Here's some images you might be able to relate to if you're still living in your childhood bedroom:
1. Waiting for spaghetti bolognese and you're mam won't stop talking like:
2. When you try and think of the positives
3. When you're supposed to be saving money living at home but then your friends ask you out:
4. You still get excited when they come home bearing gifts
5. Your mum still gets excited when she takes photos of you
6. Your boyfriend gets very excited when your ma and da leave for the weekend
7. When your mam asks where's the change from the €20
8. You're just sick of being told what to do
9. You go into a shame spiral
10. Get.away.
11. Every time?
12. Put that in your pipe and smoke it
13. Uggggh, you're so embarrassing.
14. Sometimes you can be a bit dramatic
15. First world problems