
Remember The Dress? Well Now The Internet Is Torn Over These Flip Flops

Remember The Dress? Well Now The Internet Is Torn Over These Flip Flops

Get ready to have your head split in two.

Everyone remembers the torture that went on over 'the dress', with some people seeing it as black and blue and others seeing it as white and gold. Well, the nightmare is about to start over with these flip flops.

People have took to Twitter debating the colour of a pair of Havaianas by asking people what colour they see. Exactly like 'the dress', different people are seeing different colours with white and gold, blue and black and even blue and brown being given as answers.


It all started with this Portuguese Twitter account posting the photo asking, 'What colour do you see?'

Get ready to lose a few friendships and/or sleep over this one.

Ciara Finnegan

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